Friday, March 18, 2011

Pertengkaran Dewi Persik vs Jupe | Saling Serang di Akun Twitter

Nama Dewi Persik dan Julia Perez alias Jupe tidaklah asing bagi telinga kita, mereka sering muncul di televisi dan cerita yang terakhir yaitu pertengkaran antara Dewi Persik vs Jupe. Sepertinya pertengkaran ini semakin memanas setelah mereka menyerang satu sama lain lewat statment mereka di akun twitter mereka, berikut ini berita kelanjutan dari dewi persik vs jupe.

Pertengkaran Dewi Persik vs Jupe sepertinya tidak akan ada habis-habisnya, Entah siapa yang memulai perang statment, namun mereka berdua terlibat adu statment yang sifatnya menjelek-jelekkan atau mengolok-olok satu sama lain. Berikut ini statment-statment yang mereka keluarkan

Dewi Persik
"Biasanya orang diam kalau marah, macannya yg keluar...kalau KEBANYAKAN B**OT BUKAN I'm HERE LAGI,TAK BACOK CA**EMMU JAN**K!!!," (ada sedikit editing)
"Beraninya jgn didunia maya,KETEMU DONG...,"
"Astagfirullah...gara2 setan jd ikutan setan...berikanlah aku kesabaran YAALLAH..utk ortu dan anakku...amin,"
"Kalau marah,rugi memang..keenakan makin tenar si jualan peeee,ikan pepe mksdnya wkwk,"
Julia Perez
"Itu orang yg tidak berpendidikan..jangan di contoh..liat dia ngefans nya sama siapa.. Makanya sama kan...,"
"Liat sang kodokburik berbicara,gede b**ot aja. Katanya keluarga santri masa ngomong jan**k di publik... Wuihhh mbak balik ke kabupaten gieh,"
"Hehehehe tampang aja lah...tampang p**ur berarti h** s**y..dari pada kelakuan nya yg p**cur..aminnnn GOD bless mE,"
"Wkakkakkakaka.. Gue si malu bawa2 agama,, kalo kelakuan masih jebol.. Biar imbang gItu maksudnya..amal ibadah itu diem2 kali,"

Pertengkaran Dewi Persik vs Jupe seharusnya bisa segera di selesaikan, asal kedua belah pihak bisa meredam emosinya masing-masing.

Udin Sedunia | Free Download Mp3, Video Udin Sedunia

Udin Sedunia, lewat dunia maya, seseorang yang dulunya biasa menjadi terkenal, setelah sebelumnya ada Sinta dan Jojo melalui lip sing mereka, Bona Paputungan yang sukses membawakan lagu Andai ku Gayus Tambunan, dan yang paling baru adalah video Udin Sedunia yang dibawakan oleh Sualudin.

Udin panggilan akrab Sualudin tidak menyangka kalau hal iseng yang dilakukan bersama teman-temannya membuahkan hasil. Hal iseng yang dijadikan sebuah lagu oleh udin ternyata mendapat respon sendiri di masyarakat, karena kelucuan lagunya.Berikut ini lirik lagu Udin Sedunia:

ini lagu tentang sebuah nama..”
“kata orang udin nama kampungan”
“jadi lagu enak juga didengar”
“kalau gak percaya, simak dengan seksama”
“udin yang pertama, namanya Awaludin”
“udin yang suka di kamar, namanya Kamarudin”
“udin yang hidup di jalanan, namanya Jalaludin”
“udin penggembala, namanya Sapiudin”
“Udin Udin, namamu norak tapi terkenal”
“Udin Udin, walaupun norak banyak yang sukahahahaha..”
“Udin yang sering ke masjid, namanya Alimudin”
“Udin yang rajin berdoa, namanya Aminudin”
“Udin yang agak stress, namanya Sarapudin”
“Udin yang tidak stress, namanya Sadarudin”
“Udin Udin, namamu norak tapi terkenal”
“Udin Udin, walaupun norak banyak yang sukahahahaha..”
“Udin yang penjual nasi, namanya Nashirudin”
“Udin yang suka ke WC, namanya Tahirudin”
“Udin yang suka telepon, namanya Hapipudin”
“Udin yang jadi teroris, namanya!!!”
“Noordin M Top!”
“Udin Udin, namamu norak tapi terkenal”
“Udin Udin, walaupun norak banyak yang sukahahahaha..”
“Udin yang terakhir… namanya Akhirudin…”

Dan bagi anda yang ingin menyaksikan kekoyolan si Udin dalam membawakan lagu udin sedunia, anda bisa melihatnya pada video berikut ini:

Bagi anda yang ingin mengkoleksi videonya anda dapat mendownloadnya dengan menggunakan software bisa berupa Youtube Downloader atau juga Internet Download Manager, dan bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan lagunya anda bisa mengunduhnya di 4shared, rapidshare, mediafire.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tube8|Free Download Film Dewasa (Film Tube8)

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Mobile Themes

Mobile Phone themes creation
By Andrew Sekachev

The themes are applications that are installed to change background picture on phone display, graphical interface and other appearance changes starting from just buttons and icons up to battery and network indicators.

Create a theme you need a computer and specialized software. Most often such software is freely available to phone manufacturers website. Sometimes it requires registration, but still free.

Create a theme Sony Ericsson phone, you will need program called Market Maker Pro 3G, version 3.1.260 or SE Themes Creator, version 1.80 to 3.19. SE Theme Creator is very convenient and simple. All you need is your phone model, select your images and upload Ringtones, choosing the colors of various interface elements and save the theme file.

Mobile Themes
Mobile Themes
Mobile Themes
Create a theme Nokia mobile phone you need is one of the following programs: Theme Studio 3.0 for S60, carbide 3.1.1, Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 1.2 or S40 Theme Studio 2.2. Theme Studio 3.0 for S60 themes used for 2nd edition phones by Nokia-based S60 platform to perform. This is the Nokia 6600, 6630, 6680, 7610, 3230 and so on. With carbide 3.1.1 for your topics, 3rd edition S60 phones (Nokia 3250, Nokia N series, Nokia E-series and so on Interface this program; rather complicated when compared with SE theme editor and you probably should have some experience in graphics software to use it But still no one who time and desire, which is able to deal with it.

Nokia-Series 40 Theme Studio is used, as you can imagine, themes for S40 mobile work platform. Version 1.2 makes themes for 2nd edition phones like Nokia 2626, 6230i, etc., and version 2.2 works for themes, 3rd edition S40 phones like Nokia 6300, 6125 and so on. Interface of those programs is much more simple than the S60 related. You can only pictures of some resolution, select the desired colors and it is ready.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Jepang berpotensi menuju Papua, Menado|Foto, Video, Berita

Tsunami Jepang, Gempa kembali melanda Jepag dan Gempa ini disebut-sebut sebagai gempa paling parah yang melanda Jepang. Gempa Jepang telah menyebabkan terjadinya Tsunami dengan ketinggian 4 meter, berikut berita mengenai gempa Jepang dan Tsunami Jepang.

Tsunami melanda Jepang, setelah Gempa mengguncang Jepang dengan kekuatan 8.9 SR di bagian selatan Jepang. Gempa sendiri terjadi di kedalaman 10 km dibawah laut dan pada 31.8 LU dan 132.0 BT. Tsunami juga akan melanda beberapa Negara, berikut ini foto dan video tsunami Jepang


BMKG secara resmi mencabut Peringatan Dini terjadinya Tsunami di wilayah Indonesia pada 11 Maret 2011 pukul 20.00 WIB

Berdasarkan penuturan dari Yohanes Wemben, Sekertaris Badan Nasional Penanggunalan Bencana (BNPB) Kota Jayapura bahwa ada 20 Rumah di Jayapura yang rusak setelah di terjang Tsunami akibat dari terjadi Tsunami Jepang.

Melalui akun twiternya, KBRI di Tokyo menuliskan bahwa korban jiwa akibat Tsunami Jepang sudah mencapai 1.312 jiwa dari jumlah tersebut 612 orang meninggal dan 700 orang dinyatakan hilang

Seperti diberitakan detik, tsunami yang melanda di Jayapura yang merupakan imbas dari tsunami jepang juga memakan korban 1 warga kampung Holtekamp asal Makasar yang bernama Darwanto Oddang (35). Jasadnya ditemukan telah meninggal dunia tak jauh dari bibir pantai Holtekamp Kota Jayapura.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Love Pictures

Love girls mermaid Pictures
By Morgan Hamilton

You're thinking about buying a new art Maybe you should think of mermaid pictures. When many of us think of mermaids we think a woman with long flowing blonde hair, bones, gradually turned into a fish tail. Sometimes they may look a little hot.

Provided most adults do not think that about mermaids on a regular basis, but there is a special cross-section of people who love them. Young girls can not get enough of the beauty and mystery of this mysterious sea people, and if you have a little girl in your life pretty much a sure thing that he will eventually fall in love all the mermaids, including the mermaid photos.

After the release of the Disney film "Little mermaid», mermaids really became very popular. Little girls were dressing as Ariel, the mermaid for Halloween and their bedrooms were adorned with blankets, toys, clothing that depicted mermaids. It seemed like a mermaid paintings can be seen everywhere.

Not all mermaid images that found their way to the bedroom walls are obtained. Many women had their time to paint pictures of mermaid or hand, or some younger people in their coloring books.

Love Pictures
Love Pictures
Love Pictures
Coloring books are also filled with many things that children love. Puppy dogs kittens, flowers and mermaid paintings can be found just inside waiting for filled with beautiful colors that tickle the imagination. As things warm the heart more than walking into a house, small children and ends with all the beautiful artwork that the children carefully crafted their coloring books displayed proudly around the house. That chalk marks are usually the running out of lines drawn on the page of beautiful, original and eternal works of art creation.

Though not quite the same as the popular imagination by the princess, mermaid, of course its own unique charm. For starters, a mermaid is Awesome swimmer, and he always tries to be beautiful, no matter how much time he spent underwater photos. Have you ever seen the mermaid picture is worth a mermaid wet hair: No, I do not.

As the children grow they begin to understand some things and not real. No more waiting to do Santa Claus come down the chimney and the Easter Bunny is a reminder. Mermaid 's can be lumped into the same category. When the girls realized that the really good people mermaids of the sea, they usually lose interest very quickly.

Yet many young women will look at the total amount of mermaids and remember more innocent time when they are very similar to those beautiful girls in graceful creature. These wonderful memories can be activated every time they see the mermaid photos. And if these young women are growing in their mothers, they can sometimes feel the spark of mermaid pictures of their childhood that their little girls sign them.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Girls Wallpapers

Girls wallpaper, animation, and fast Internet - What is SFW?
By Marc Joseph Cabanig

All the lewd e floating around at any office in any given day workweek, it is often difficult to say definitely what the "safe job" even mean? Network managers often set strict guidelines to ensure everyone can get along just fine and no eyebrows raised all these things, strive to put the gallery girls desktop is useless it may seem like a sneaky call to strike the balance between your station and being cornered in a drab corner of the office, had the sad condition of accepting your 9 5 pen.

Girls Wallpapers
Girls Wallpapers
Girls Wallpapers
Not many of us are inclined to the limits of our corporate limits, and most of us that rather than go through the day unscathed and impact through the implementation of our test problems, and loyal dogs in the office. Not really a problem for those who want to find out their cramped mobile business throwing a pair of black cars, beautiful girls wallpaper or a background check. Use Filtered image search and learn to follow the policy, and you can be bothered worn a walking stick in order to avoid digital elevation.

That geeky looking men and women who go about upgrading your software, replace your rusty mice, and the policing of your internet activity, your allies. They also have personalities and are willing to help you make sure that your favorite actress wallpaper girl just plain safe work. These people are people too, and they have their likes and dislikes. You can often find that they can even show you other ways permitted by your computer to find, customize, and tips and tricks to make your digital experience more tolerable, I dare say, enjoyable!