Strange Phenomenon 2011 - Mystery Phenomenon: Coat Mysterious UFO Appears In Sleman Yogyakarta After Breezy - Residents of Sleman, Yogyakarta, dihebohkan by signs that appear mysteriously in the rice field after the winds. Locals believe the giant ring-shaped marks as aircraft landing Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) from another planet.
Photo: Praditha Revelation / exclusive AFP
"There's a big circle in the middle of rice field 70 meters in diameter in the area of Mount Suru, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Believed to be the UFO landing," said one local resident, Pradhita Revelation, told AFP on Sunday (01/23/2011 .)
Revelation tells us in the middle circle there is a symbol of the mysterious giant. The sign is formed by a stretch of rice that fell after the high winds.
"Visible symbol of the evidence after the Asr prayer earlier. When viewed up close, such as rice collapsed or been cleared," said Wahyu.
This horrendous incident local people. Throughout the afternoon, dozens of people trying to look at this strange occurrence from the nearest hill.
"It was also to field dozens of residents want to see up close," he concluded.
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