Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011 | Pemenang Dahsyatnya Awards 2011 (Terlengkap)

Program musik Dahsyat RCTI malam ini (Rabu, 26 Januari 2011) mengumumkan Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011, Program Musik unggulan RCTI ini mengumumkan beberapa Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011 dalam beberapa kategori, berikut ini berita mengenai Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011.

Dahsyatnya Awards 2011 mengusung tema "Unlimited"- Ekspresikan Kedahsyatanmu Tanpa Batas", Acara yang dipandu oleh Raffi Ahmad, Olga Syahputra serta deretan host tamu DAHSYAT antara lain Marcell Chandrawinata, Denny Cagur, Olla Ramlan, Tiffany, Jessica Jessi, Laura Basuki, Ade Namnung ini akan mengumumkan Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011 yang terlebih dahulu melewati proses seleksi dari beberapa nominator.

Berikut ini adalah nominator dari Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011 :


1. Jangan Memilih – Anang & Syahrini
2. Ya Sudahlah – Bondan & Fade2Black
3. C.I.N.T.A – D’Bagindas
4. Baru Aku Tahu Cinta Itu Apa – Indah Dewi Pertiwi
5. Geregetan – Sherina
6. Aku Padamu – ST12
7. Percaya Padaku – Ungu
8. Rasa Ini – Vierra


1. D’Massive
2. Geisha
3. Kotak
4. Nidji
5. ST12
6. Ungu
7. Vierra


1. Afgan
2. Andien
3. Mulan Jameela
4. Sandhy Sondoro
5. Sherina
6. Vidi Aldiano


1. Anang & Aurell
2. Anang & Syahrini
3. Bondan & Fade2 Black
4. Project Pop
5. Raffi & Yuni Shara
6. The Virgin


1. Alexa Key
2. Armada
3. Calvin Jeremy
4. D’Bagindas
5. Indah Dewi Pertiwi
6. Nikita Willy


1. J-Rock
2. Kotak
3. Project Pop
4. SKJ 94
5. SM*SH


1. ITC Cibinong
2. Kantor Pemadam Kebakaran, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan
3. Kampung Pesing Poglar, Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat
4. Pabrik Boneka (Pt.Leo Korinsia),Bekasi
5. Pasar Kembang Rawa Belong
6. Sma Budi Luhur Ciledug, Tangerang


1. Ade Namnung
2. Denny Cagur
3. Franda
4. Jessica Jessi
5. Laura Basuki
6. Marcell Chandrawinata
7. Olla Ramlan
8. Tiffany

Nominasi berdasarkan pilihan dewan juri adalah:


1. Afgan – Bawalah Cintaku
2. Alexa – Andai
3. Andien – Moving On
4. Lyla – Magic
5. Maliq & D’Essentials – Terlalu
6. Marcell – Peri Cintaku
7. Mulan Jameela – Cinta Mati III
8. Nidji – Tuhan Maha Cinta
9. RAN – Karena Kusuka Dirimu
10. Vierra – Rasa Ini


1. Arumi Bachsin – Marcell(Peri Cintaku)
2. Lukman Sardi – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
3. Manu – SheilaOn7 (Hari Bersamanya)
4. Marcell – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
5. Pevita Pearce – Vidi Aldiano (Cemburu Menguras Hati)
6. Raihanuun – Kahitna (Mantan Terindah)
7. RAN – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
8. Saira Jihan – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
9. Shanty – Shanty (Waktu Takkan Mampu)
10. Sherina – Sherina (Geregetan)


1. Abimael Gandy - Vierra (Rasa Ini)
2. Angga Dwimas Sasongko - LYLA (Magic)
3. Angga Dwimas Sasongko – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
4. A.N.G.G.Y – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
5. Dibyo – Maliq & D’Essentials (Terlalu)
6. Fajar Bustomi – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
7. Hanung Bramantyo – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
8. Riyo Wardiarto – Alexa (Andai)
9. SIM F – Andien (Moving On)
10. Tepan Kobain – Mulan Jameela (Cinta Mati III)


1. Triad
2. Alexa
3. Gruvi
4. Nine Ball
5. Lyla
6. Armada
7. Pee Wee Gaskin
8. Indah Dewi Pertiwi.

Dari beberapa nominator tersebut, telah di pilih Pemenang Dahsyat Awards 2011, dan berikut ini pemenangnya :

Kategori Lagu Terdahsyat : Ya Sudahlah – Bondan & Fade2Black
Kategori Band Terdahsyat : Geisha
Kategori Penyanyi Solo Terdahsyat : Afgan
Kategori Penyanyi Duo/Group Terdahsyat: Anang & Syahrini
Kategori Pendatang Baru Terdahsyat : D’Bagindas
Kategori Aksi Panggung Terdahsyat : J-Rock
Kategori Lokasi Terdahsyat : Bandung
Kategori Host Tamu Terdahsyat : Olla Ramlan
Kategori Video Klip Terdahsyat : Andien – Moving On
Kategori Peran Dalam Video Klip Terdahsyat :Lukman Sardi – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
Kategori Sutradara Video Klip Terdahsyat : Tepan Kobain – Mulan Jameela (Cinta Mati III)
Kategori Bintang Tamu Paling Rajin Tampil Terdahsyat : Alexa

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crop Circle di Bantul Beda dengan Crop Circle di Sleman | Foto dan Video

Belum reda pembicaraan tentang Crop Circle di Sleman, fenomena aneh kembali muncul yaitu Crop Circle di Bantul, fenonema crop circle di Bantul adalah yang kedua kali terjadi di Indonesia, namun ada beberapa perbedaan antara fenomena crop circle di bantul dan crop circle di sleman.

Perbedaan Crop Circle di Bantul dan di Sleman adalah di ukuran dan kerapian, Crop circle di bantul hanya berukuran sekitar 20 meteran dan memiliki beberapa lingakaran yang kelihatan tidak rapi kalau di banding dengan crop circle di sleman.

Untuk melihat Crop Circle di Bantul orang harus naik ke puncak pohon dulu, karena di situ tidak ada bukit sepeti yang di sleman.

Keingintahauan warga tentang fenomena crop circle di bantul, telah membuat tanaman padi yang akan panen menjadi rusak, untuk tidak memperbanyak kerusakan, akhirnya polisi membentangkan garis polisi untuk menjaga tanaman padi yang akan siap panen.

Berikut adalah gambaran dari fenomena Crop Circle di Bantul:

dan ini adalah crop circle di sleman:

History Srimulat in Indonesia


Srimulat is a comedy group founded by Teguh Indonesia Slamet Rahardjo in Solo in 1950. The name "Srimulat" is taken from the name of his wife at the time. In its development, Srimulat group later founded branches in Surabaya, Semarang, and Jakarta. Srimulat including comedy group long enough to survive even in the midst of his career going to face problems and dismantle many pairs of players. Justu that's what makes them more mature. If previously only performing in the show buildings, after the emergence of private television, each of its members suddenly become celebrities. This group is the only comedy group that has members at most.


This group first established by Srimulat and Teguh Raharjo with names Gema Srimulat Night. At first echo Nights Srimulat are arts groups that perform around the stage from one city to another from East Java to Central Java. Singing and dance troupe, starting with their first joke on August 30, 1951 featuring figures such as slapstick Mataram Wadino (Bandempo), Ranudikromo, Sarpin, Djuki, and Suparni. The combination of musical performances and comedy then becomes a typical formula for echo Nights Srimulat. The presence of Mataram slapstick style recipe lawakannya a powerful way to attract fans. Buffoonery and singing a unity that can not be separated anymore. With strong echoes of that night Srimulat then performing from a night market to market other night, in various cities in Java. From one crowd to another crowd. Era in 1960, when his health began to fail Srimulat, Teguh who found Yana-child singer who replaced Srimulat role as a stage star Gema Srimulat night-spawned the idea to appear on stage is settled. So, Friday May 19, 1961 became a historic day for Gema Night Srimulat the first leg stuck in Surabaya, precisely in THR Surabaya. Night Echoes Name Last modified Srimulat any more "commercial" be Srimulat Review. Began the journey of a community music-comedy groups who may inadvertently become a phenomenon and process, into a new subculture. WHEN many performances laden with messages and social criticism, the group Srimulat free ourselves from these patrons. Srimulat present to entertain. This group is really a manifestation of a subculture of Java.


The characters ever and still a member Srimulat include:

* Abhishek Srimulat
* Asmuni
* Bambang Gentolet
* Bandempo
* Basuki
* Bendot
* Betet
* Blontang
* Educate Mangkuprojo
* Djudjuk Djuariah
* Djuki
* Eko Londo / Eco-Taulan companion
* Eko Srimulat
* George Sapulete
* Gepeng
* Gogon
* Isye
* Kadir
* Karjo AC-DC
* Kisbandiyah
* Leysus
* Mamiek Prakoso
* Miarsih
* Nunuk Murdono
* Nunung
* Nurbuat
* Paimo
* Paul
* Pete
* Polo
* Ranudikromo
* Rohana
* Sarpin
* Fertile
* Suroto Suroboyo
* Susie Sunaryo
* Sofiah
* Tarzan
* True Srimulat
* Tessy
* Incurred Suhardi
* Hurricane
* Triman
* Tukul
* Samekta Hadi
* Vera
* Suparni

History marbles Games

Marbles (or in a language called Java nèkeran) is a small spherical toy made of glass, clay, or agate. The size of marbles they vary widely. Generally ½ inches (1.25 cm) from tip to tip. Marbles game can be played as a child, and sometimes collected, for purposes of nostalgia and aesthetic colors.

History marbles

Betawi people with the name of marbles called marbles. The Javanese, neker. In Sundanese, kaleci. Palembang, acres, in Banjar, kleker. Well, it turns out, also had a history of marbles. This I learned while reading the December issue of Essence magazine, 2004, column origin, p. 92.

Since the 12th century, in France, marbles called bille, meaning a small ball. Another case in the Netherlands, the Sinyo-Sinyo was called with knikkers. So, is there a Dutch influence, especially in Java, knikkers absorbed into nekker? Whereas, the Netherlands ever 'ride to live' in Indonesia.

Year, 1694. In the UK there is the term to refer to the marbles Marbles. Marbles itself is used to refer to the marbles made of marble imported from Germany. However, much earlier, children in the UK has close call with bowls or knikkers.

Marbles are popular in the UK and other European countries since the 16th century to 19. After that spread to America. Materials manufacturer is clay and produced a large scale.

Far on the ancient Egyptian civilization, 3000 BC, marbles made of stone or clay. Marbles of the oldest collections of the British Museum in London dating from 2000-1700 BC. Marbles are found in Crete at the Minoan site of Petsofa.

During Rowami, the game has been played marbles are also widely available. In fact, be one part of the festival of Saturnalia, a celebration held just before Christmas. At that time everyone gave each other a bag of grain that serves as the marbles are a sign of friendship.

One fan of marbles is Octavian, later became Emperor Augustus. Like the game, in Rome when it also has the official rules. Rules are the basis on the game now.

Technology manufacture glass marbles found in 1864 in Germany. Kelerang which was originally a single color, be colorful like candy. This technology soon spread throughout Europe and America. However, due to World War II, sending marble making machine that had been halted and eventually develop their own country.

Converse Shoes History


The Converse Rubber Company opened for business in 1908 by Marquis M. Converse, in Massachusetts. Marquis was in the 30s, and have some previous experience as a manager at a footwear manufacturing company. Initially, Converse shoes just make galoshes and seasonal. Nine years later, however, they decided to make athletic shoes so they can have a continuous production throughout the year. As basketball grows in popularity, the Converse company wanted to provide its players with good basketball shoes to accompany their sport. The Converse All Stars is the mass production of the first basketball shoe in America. As a high school basketball players in Indiana, began to wear Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars and became very fond of them.

Shoes were not very popular until they were adopted as the Chuck Taylor shoe choice. He was impressed with the design so that he became a leading salesman in the shoe. After Chuck Taylor Converse employed by the Corporation, he suggested a new way to sew the shoes together provide more support but also flexibility. He also suggested to add a patch for the name brand. When Chuck's advice proved themselves adequate, the shoes have a name now and Chuck Taylor's signature on the All Star ankle patch. At first the shoes were only in earth tones with black trim, but in 1920 they came in a black canvas or leather style.

Another change is the switch to a nonslip soles. Although the most popular classic black, Chuck Taylor himself known to prefer unbleached white high-top (known in his day as the only "white"). The Converse soon have its own league of their industry in which Chuck is one of the coaches and players. Chuck Taylor to travel all the time promoting and advertizing shoes and run a basketball clinic. As the popularity of Chuck rise, reaching more opportunities to create a broad theme and design. In the 1930s, Chuck designed high top blue and white with red trim for the Olympics in 1936 (first-year basketball become Olympic Sport). Chuck Taylor also managed to be a fitness consultant soldiers during World War II. Soon after, the high peak white into the "official" shoes to the United States armed forces. Then in 1957 on the low All Stars was created to look more casual.
M. Marquis Converse and Chuck Taylor

Consumers demanded more variety from the shoe - particularly with respect to the color to match basketball teams - so colored and patterned shoelaces became popular to complement the two colors, black and white, available before 1966. After that, the more colors and styles became available. Low-top or "Oxford", high-top, and then knee-high, versions produced. Offered more material for construction, including leather, suede, vinyl, denim, and hemp. Some versions of the shoe is offered with no ropes, raised not by elastic. This new version of the shoe is also co-designed by Chuck Taylor.

In 1968 Chuck Taylor went to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Only a year later, Chuck Taylor died of a heart attack in Florida. A full biography of Chuck Taylor was published by Indiana University Press in March 2006 under the title Chuck Taylor, All Star: True Story of the Most Popular Man Behind Athletic Shoe in History, with a foreword by the retired college basketball coach Dean Smith. During the 1970s and 1980s, the Converse All Stars became very fashionable. Even adults who have grown up wearing them, refusing to give them. Shoes that are part of the hippie movement is accompanied by musicians and their bands. The hippies often wear shoes as a mismatch to promote their individuality. Converse All Stars are no longer just a basketball shoe, but also shoes for casual wear again that began to represent rebellion and freedom.

During the late 1980s and the 1990s, Converse All Stars become less popular, thus, consumers began to wear Nike and other shoe companies started to become more famous. Converse company tried to resist by making more varieties in the All Stars and different styles. They tried to make the shoe more bending down to a specific age group. Unfortunately, the Converse business continued to decline and many people stopped buying them. Converse refused to leave their company only established that they decided to sell to their rivals. When Converse was bought by Nike in 2003 and moved operations from the United States to foreign countries, in Asia, the design saw a few changes. Fabrics for a short time there are 2-ply cotton canvas again but 1-ply "textile" and many users see a different pattern is used. Because this complaint shoes once again produced by the twin layer design canvas began sometime between 2005-2009. These changes led to some increase of $ 5 on all brand shoes from about $ 40 to $ 45 each.

Company History:

Converse Inc. is the largest manufacturer of athletic footwear in the United States, producing about 8.4 million pairs of shoes in the country in 1998. It owns and operates a manufacturing facility in Lumberton, North Carolina, where he produces the majority of genuine athletic, and factory rental in Mission, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico. Basketball Shoes Converse All-Star is the first in the athletic footwear industry, and the early 1990s, more than 500 million pairs, in more than 56 colors and styles, have been sold in over 90 countries worldwide. In addition, the company has diversified into various rubber products, sportswear, and full lines of athletic shoes for tennis, cross training, team sports, running, walking, and recreation of children.

1908: The company was founded as the Converse Rubber Co.
1917: introduced the Converse All Star, one of the world's first basketball shoe.
1929: Converse Rubber Co. fell into bankruptcy.
1972: Converse purchased by the Eltra Corporation and obtain footwear division of BF Goodrich Co.
1979: Allied Corporation purchase of Converse.
1982: Allied Corporation sells Converse to a group of senior managers.
1983: Converse stock available on the NASDAQ national market.
1984: Company signs agreement with Moon-Star Chemical Corp., Mizuno Corp., and Zett Corp. to handle the manufacturing, distribution, and sales of Converse footwear in Japan.
1985: The company was named the official shoe of the National Basketball Association.
1986: Converse acquired by Interco Incorporated.
1994: Converse is separated from Interco in November.
1999: Converse introduces him: shoe 01.

Converse Travel story:

M. Marquis Converse opened the Converse Rubber Shoe Company for business.

Converse producing 4,000 shoes daily.

Converse canvas tennis shoe business increased, doubled in 1918.

Converse All Star was introduced, the first performance basketball shoe in the era of Converse.

Charles H. "Chuck" says Taylor, an All American high school players who will then in accordance with the original Celtics, Buffalo Germans and Akron Firestones, the couple's first All Star shoes

Converse Chuck Taylor joined, he was hired as a salesman and endorser.

Converse Chuck Taylor add a signature to All Star Patch.Converse customizes shoes for the basketball team's first all African American, New York Renaissance.

nation's interest to promote basketball, Converse became a synonym for basketball.

Converse company aquires Family Stone.

Jack Purcell, a champion of the world famous badminton, court performance, shoe design durable.
Chuck created the modern basketball, stitch less leather ball designed to improve the sport by a truer bounce.

Played basketball for the first time as an official Olympic sport.

Converse sports production changes and begin producing A6 Flying Boot, which is used by groups throughout the U.S. Army Air.
American Basketball Association and National League to join the NBA.

Converse develop low-cut version of the All Star, called "Oxford".

Converse started adding color choice in "basic black and white" shoes Chuck Taylor All Star basketball.

Chuck get a place in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame.

Ths Stone family sold Converse to Eltra Corporation Company.

Converse introduced the "One Star", a low-cut performance shoe for basketball.

Julius Erving support Converse.

Converse develop the industry's first biomechanical laboratory.

Converse was the official sponsor of the Olympics 1984.

Converse investment paid off, when presented high biomechanics laboratory bearing system technology first.
Years later Converse started to sink.

Converse released "The Weapon" basketball shoe. Also manufactured in many color schemes to customize team color basketball team, has been available in both high-and low-cut top varieties.

Produces 5.2 million pairs of shoes in the United States.

Announced that more than 550 million pairs of "Chuck Taylor" All Star shoes produced; believe the record industry. Produces 7.5 million pairs of shoes in the United States.

Sales dropped and the company was forced to file bankruptcy.
The factory in the United States to close, and therefore manufacturing in the United States is not possible anymore.
April - change of ownership from public to private hands; $ 117,000,000 paid to the bankruptcy court against their debt. July - First "Chuck Taylor" All Star shoes made in Indonesia arrived in the United States.

Nike makes bid to buy Converse for the amount of $ 305,000,000, and successful, change the owner of Nike to Converse.

A Brief History of Lego


Lego is kind of toys made of plastic. Usually used to build things like buildings or can also be animals and so forth.

Now Lego is a toy company known worldwide. Its origin from Denmark. First introduced by one Ole Kirk Christiansen Carpenter in Billund Denmark in 1932.

He who first created the game lego (then still made of wood). Being called the first Lego game in 1934.

Lego was originally an abbreviation of the language danish / Denmark which means Leg Godt / Play Well.
Games to unite all together.

Olle Kirk has a motto for the first time why he created this lego. Det er ikke bedster motto to god. Or in various English bahaasa The best is not good Enough.

Along with the growing phenomenon of this Lego, and Lego Group was formed company. What then is the origin of the game made such a Legoland. Similar to Fantasy World.

Legoland Until now there are 4 places in the world. Legoland Billund in Denmark, Legoland Windsor in England / UK, Deutschlan Legoland California Legoland in Germany and the USA.
Who's the oldest well Legoland in Denmark since the first of its origin here. Legoland in Billund was founded in 1966.


Legoland Billund IN WHICH IN DENMARK and the oldest

Legoland Windsor IN ENGLAND

Legoland Deutschland in Germany

Legoland California in the USA

History Glow Lamp

Incandescent lamps are lit and filamennya.

Fluorescent lamp

Incandescent lamps are the source of artificial light generated through the distribution of electric current through a filament which is then heated and produces cahaya.Kaca surrounding air prevents the hot filament to get in touch with him so that the filament will not directly damaged by oxidized.
Incandescent lamps are marketed in various forms and are available for voltage (voltage) the work range from 1.25 to 300 volts of electricity required volt.Energi incandescent lamp to produce a bright light is bigger than any other artificial light sources like fluorescent lamps and diode light, then gradually in some countries began to be restricted circulation of incandescent lamps.
In addition to the use of light produced, several more take advantage of the use of incandescent heat generated, for example, is heated chicken coop, and infrared heater in the heating process in the industry.


Development of fluorescent lamp has been started at the beginning of the century XIX.Sejarah incandescent lamps can be said to have begun with the discovery of the voltaic pile by Alessandro Volta.

In 1802, Sir Humphry Davy showed that electric current can heat up to light a thin strand of white metal.

Then, in 1820, Warren De la Rue to design a lamp by placing a coil of precious metal platinum in a tube and a current of electricity melaluinya.Hanya course, the price of platinum metals are very high utilization of the present invention prevents more carbon lanjut.Elemen was used, but carbon can be oxidized rapidly in air; therefore, the answer is to place elements in a vacuum.

In the 1870s, an inventor named Thomas Alva Edison of Menlo Park, the state of New Jersey, United States, began to participate in the efforts to design lamps pijar.Dengan using platinum element, Edison receive his first patent in April of this 1879.Rancangan relative impractical but Edison still trying to find another element that can be heated economically and efficiently.

In the same year, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan has also created an incandescent lamp can last for 13.5 hours. Most of the incandescent filament lamp which was created at that end within a very short time so it does not mean commercial. To resolve this problem, Edison again try to use strands of carbon that is placed in a vacuum bulb until the date of October 19, 1879 he managed to turn on the lights that can last for 40 hours.


1.Bola lamp
2.Gas low pressure (argon, neon, nitrogen)
3.Filamen wolfram
4.Kawat liaison to the middle leg
5.Kawat link to the thread
6.Kawat buffer
7.Kaca buffer
8.Kontak electric screw
9.Sekrup thread
11.Kontak electricity in the middle leg

UB History

UB is a state university in Malang, Indonesia.

UB (abbreviated as UB) is inaugurated as the State University in 1963. Currently, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia that have a number of students in more than 30 thousand people from various strata start vocational education programs (Diploma), Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Program Program Medical Specialist Program and Professional Training Program which spread in 12 Faculty and 2 Program.

UB Campus located in the city of Malang in East Java, with a location easily accessible by public transportation. Campus is very beautiful because of the large trees and the cool air of Malang city. History proves the existence of Malang City as an education city where UB grow and thrive. This does not happen by itself but as a historical process inseparable from the triumph of East Java in the past.


UB Headquarters (1963 - 1974)

UB name given by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire 258/K/61 July 11, 1961. The name comes from the title of Kings which is the kingdom of Majapahit in Indonesia in the 12th century to 15. UB transformed into a state based on Presidential Decree No. 196 of 1963 and January 5, 1963. This date was then set as the day of birth (Dies Natalis) UB. UB before it transformed into a state travel initiated in 1957 in Malang, Makassar Sawerigading University branch established that only consists of two faculties: Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics. Then on July 1, 1960 was renamed the Municipal University of Malang. Under the auspices of the University the next few months there are additional two faculties: Faculty of Business Administration (FAN) and the Faculty of Agriculture (FP). Municipal University of Malang is then renamed UB.

When transformed into a state, UB only has 5 faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Ketatanegraan and Ketataniagaan (FKK an extension of FAN and now called the Faculty of Administrative Sciences - FIA), Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry (Husbandry) . Husbandry then divided into two faculties in 1973, the Faculty of Animal Science (Husbandry) located in the University and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine under the auspices of the University of Airlangga. Faculty of Engineering (FT) was founded in 1963 based on Decree 167 PTIP number 1963 dated October 23, 1963.

UB Headquarters (1974 - 1982)

Based on Presidential Decree No. 59 of 1982 September 7, 1982 on the organizational structure of UB, the Faculty of Fisheries (FPI) became a separate faculty since 1977, becoming one with the name of the Faculty Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. Please note that the Faculty of Fisheries was established in 1963 in Probolinggo, which is the UB Department of Husbandry. Faculty of Medicine (FK) was officially under the UB since 1974 after since its establishment in 1963 under the Higher Education Foundation of East Java. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), was established based on Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No 0371/O/1993 October 21, 1993. UB to add one more faculty, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) which is an increase in status from the Department of Agricultural Technology, which had previously been in the Faculty of Agriculture.

Change the abbreviation became UB UB

UB Headquarters (2010 - present)

Through his letter 09343/J10/LL/2008 numbered, dated March 24, 2008, UB's Rector, Prof.. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito said that considering the advice of the academic community and society and understand more and more use of the acronym UB by both parties, the Senate UB began on March 17, 2008 has set a UB UB stands. Use of abbreviations can be good for use in Bahasa Indonesian English maupaun. UB's Senate decision was formally set into UB UB stands. This change is also intended to support the internationalization process of UB.

Logo UB

Join UB, Be The Best

Meaning contained in the logo, the phrase "Join UB be the Best" is the motto of UB seeks to be the best. Here is another meaning that is contained in UB logo: - The "UB" in the sphere describing the presence of UB is always dynamic in the world community.
- The wing consists of 3 pieces circle around a globe, showing the three pillars of three responsibilities of Higher Education (education and teaching, research, and community service) international standards.
- The color of gold on the letters and drawings has the meaning of wisdom and greatness.
- The blue color as the background suggests that UB is universal.
- Frame (frame) of a square (balanced on all sides) gives meaning justice (fairness).

History Institute of Technology (ITS)

Institute of Technology (ITS) is a college in Surabaya.

Institute of Technology is one of the largest technical universities in Indonesia, which is the leading center of science and technology in Indonesia. ITS is known for excellence in the field of shipbuilding technology and robotics. Currently, ITS is in the process to get international recognition from the academic year 2005/2006 so that ITS did not receive high school graduates only Indonesia, but also a graduate student abroad.

Sukolilo ITS campus occupies an area of 180 hectares with a total building area of approximately 150,000 m2. In addition there Manyar Campus used by Program D-3 Civil Engineering with an area of 5176 m2 and Campus ITS Cokroaminoto used to master management as well as several institutions in collaboration with a building area of 4,000 m2.


Institute of Technology has a history of the establishment since 1957. Because of its history, the word "November" in continuation of ITS is not modernized (the "November").


Monument dr. Figures in the Hall Nitisastro dr. ITS Figures

Monument dr. Figures in the Hall Nitisastro dr. ITS Figures
The signing ceremony by President Soekarno ITS Establishment

1957. PII East Java Branch Lustrum held the first and the idea of establishing higher education institutions re-leveled. As a result, dr. Figures Nitisastro, a general practitioner, along with engineers PII East Java branch decided to realize the establishment of a Technical College Foundation.

Some of the main reasons for the establishment of the foundation include:

* Indonesia's vast land and has abundant natural wealth and the untapped
* The need for energy engineers around 7000 to implement development programs and industry in the country.
* View a comparison with the number of engineers in other developed and developing countries that much difference.

August 17, 1957. Technical College Foundation (YPTT) was officially established and chaired by dr. Figures Nitisastro. The Foundation was established as a forum to consider further actions and discussing deeply the consequences associated with decision-making within the framework determined to establish a Technical College in the city of Surabaya.

November 10, 1957. Technical College Foundation, established November 10, Surabaya, which was inaugurated by President Soekarno. Technical College November 10, Surabaya has only two departments namely, Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department.

After several years through the efforts pioneered by figures from YPTT, College of Engineering November 10, changed its status to a State University with a name: "Institute of Technology in Surabaya". Surabaya Institute of Technology who initially have two (2) Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering turned into five, namely: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Shipping, and chemical engineering.


The signing ceremony by President Soekarno ITS Establishment

1961. Majors later turned into a faculty. Then the government regulation No. 9 of 1961 (defined later on March 23, 1961) determined that the Dies Natalis Institute of Technology who first was dated November 10, 1960.

1965. Based on Ministerial Decree No. 72 year 1965, the Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) opened two new faculties, namely, the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Science and Natural Science. Thus, since then, ITS has seven faculties spread in several places, namely: Jl. Hamlet Simpang 11, Jl. Kali Ketabang 2F, Jl. Baliwerti 119-121, Jl. Basuki Rahmat 84 as the headquarters of ITS.

To anticipate perkembangn further, and brings together the places of the separate classes, then the figures YPTT, along with the Regent of Surabaya at that time Soekarso Raden (1958-1968) seeking a new location for the development of ITS in the region Sukolilo Campus - Keputih Surabaya area 172 ha of land.

1972. Faculty of Civil Engineering moved to Jl.Manyar 8, so ITS increasingly dispersed.

1973. Preparation of master plan development of long-term (20 years) as guidelines for further development of ITS. Development Master Plan of ITS attract Asian Development Bank (ADB), which then offers a loan fund of U.S. $ 25 million for the development of four faculties, namely, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Faculty of Chemical Engineering.

1975. Faculty of Architecture moved to a new campus on Jl. Cokroaminoto 12A Surabaya. ITS head office is moved to the same address.

1977. Funds from the ADB is partly used to build the campus ITS Sukolilo for four faculties mentioned above. In 1981 the construction of buildings on campus Sukolilo partially completed. Sukolilo campus development phase I can be completed and inaugurated its use on March 27, 1982.

Campus Sukolilo

1983. Changes in organizational structure that applies to universities or institutes in accordance with Government Regulation no. 5 year 1980, Government Regulation no. 27 in 1981 and Presidential Decree No. 58 in 1982, ITS became only 5 faculties, namely Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shipping, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Technology Non-Degree (Non-Degree Programs).

1991. There is a change into 4 faculties, namely Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP), and Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK). Programs in the Faculty of Technology Non-degree majors are integrated into a kind in 2 faculties (FTI and FTSP). In addition, ITS also has 2 Polytechnic of Surabaya State Polytechnic Shipping (PPNS) and Polytechnic State Electronics Surabaya (PENS).

1994. ITS re-obtain the ADB loan of U.S. $ 47 million for development of all faculty with a focus on marine technology. This program was completed in April 2000. In addition, ITS also has received grants from the governments of Germany / GTZ (1978-1986) for the development of the Faculty of Engineering Shipping.

2001. Based on the Rector's Decree dated June 14, 2001, ITS establish new faculties namely Faculty of Information Technology (FTIf).


Support Staff

Faculty have as many as 1012 people consisting of 99 people professors, 133 doctoral, 434 master's and bachelor graduates of other leading universities in foreign and domestic, and professional in his field, makes the ITS as a source of reference for other universities in Eastern Indonesia.

Non-academic staff totaled 1101 people, spread in various parts of the administration ranging from rector to majors, in addition there is a duty in the laboratories.

Student Capacity

Number of students enrolled ITS in 2002/2003 amounted to 17 672 students consisting of 21 students undertaking a PhD, Master Program student 1605, 11,666 students of Undergraduate Program, 4270 Program D-3 students and 110 students of the Polytechnic as well as D-4 program. Until then graduation to-86 March 2003, ITS has graduated as many as 37,208 graduates. They consist of a master degree 1389, 22,833 undergraduate, 12,841 3-D program and the Polytechnic, 145 Program D-4 Environmental Health Engineering and Polytechnic.

Academic capacity

By 2003, ITS has 5 faculties with 4 Programs Doctoral, 12 Masters Program, 22 majors / undergraduate course (10 majors include the extension program also organizes the S-1 or cross-track), 6 D-3 Program (5 courses including also organized extension program D-3), 2 Study Program D-4 and 2 with 8 Polytechnic Studies Program (also run programs all extensions).

History Ink

The ink is colored materials that contain color pigments used to color a surface. Ink with pen and pencil are used to write and draw. The ink is a very complex medium, containing solvent, pigment, dye, resins and lubricants, sollubilizer (sort of compounds that form ions with the polar polymer resin waterproof), surfactant (ie wet element that lowers the surface pressure of a liquid, allowing Easy deployment, surfactants also reduce the pressure between the surface between two liquids), particulate materials, pemijar, and other materials. The components of the ink running multiple functions: carrier inks, dyes, and materials and other addiktiv used to regulate the flow, thickness and shapes of ink when kering.bahan


Many ancient cultures of the world have independently discovered and formulated inks for the purpose of writing and drawing. Knowledge of ink, their recipes and techniques for their production comes from the analysis of archaeological or written text itself.

History of Chinese ink can be traced back to the 12th century BC, with the utilization of natural plant (dyeing plant), animal and mineral based materials such as ink graphite is ground with water and applied with brush ink. Evidence for the earliest Chinese ink, similar to modern inksticks, is around 256 BC in the late Autumn and manufactured using manual labor from the soot and animal glue.

India ink used in ancient India since at least the 4th century BC were called masi is made of burnt bones, tar, pitch, and other materials. Kharosthi document written in India ink have been unearthed in Chinese Turkestan. practice of writing with ink and needle sharp points common in southern India early Several Jain sutras in India were compiled in ink.

In ancient Rome, atramentum used. In an article in the Christian Science Monitor, Sharon J. Huntington describes these other historical inks:

About 1,600 years ago, popular ink recipe was created. Recipe was used for centuries. iron salts, such as iron sulfate (made by treating iron with sulfuric acid), which was mixed with tannin from gallnuts (they grow on trees) and a thickener. When first for paper, ink is bluish black. Over time it fades to dull brown.

Clerk in medieval Europe (about AD 800-1500) writes mainly on parchment or vellum. One 12th century ink recipe called for hawthorn branches to be cut in the spring and left to dry. Then the leather was pounded from the branches and soaked in water for eight days. Water boiled until thickened and turned black. Wine added during boiling. ink was poured into special bags and hung in the sun. After drying, the mixture was mixed with wine and iron salt over a fire to make the final ink.

Reservoir fountain pen dates back to 953, when Ma'ad al-Mu'izz, caliph of Egypt, demanded a pen which will not stain hands or clothing, and is provided with a pen which held ink in a reservoir and delivered to the nib via gravity and capillary action.

In the 15th century, a new type of ink must be developed in Europe for the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Two types of ink were prevalent at the time: Greek and Roman writing ink (soot, glue, and water) and various 12th-century consisting of iron sulfate, bile, candy, and water. Both of ink handwriting can be attached to the printed surface without creating blurs. Eventually an oily, varnish like ink made of soot, turpentine, and walnut oil was created specifically for printing.

The Dunlop Sejarah 20images/Dunlop_logoT.gif

Boyn John Dunlop was born a peasant family in Dreghom, North Ayrshire Scotland on February 5, 1840. During his childhood he lived in his hometown. Young Dunlop graduated from his studies and managed to get a veterinary degree at the Dick Vet, University of Edinburgh in Scotland. After finishing school, Dunlop's first practice as a vet in Edinburgh, Scotland, and later in Belfast, Ireland.

In his youth, John was known as a hard worker. Even at the age of 19 years he has worked to help the economy parents who work as farmers. In 1871 John married Margaret Stevenson and has three sons.


The origin of the creation of a pneumatic tire when John was first encouraged to design a bicycle wheel to his son, who deliberately designed to reduce shocks when riding a bike on the rough roads that cause headaches. John tried hard to answer a complaint with their children who feel less comfortable with all three-wheel bicycle.

In 1887, John Boyd Dunlop successfully designing and developing the first pneumatic tire for his son's tricycle.

Most of the literature mentioned, the first air-pressure rubber tires made by John Boyd Dunlop designed with rubber tires filled with air like the common use of motor vehicles today. Modifications sewn inside the tire in the tire out and stare at the edges. John is also doing a tricycle tire repair is solid rubber and wrap the tube with a pumped with air. Tire is then mounted on the rear wheel bike with mounted linen tape to give the tire tread.

An Irish industrialist William Harvey du Cros interested in his invention of John Dunlop tires. Harvey interested after seeing a cyclist won the race in Belfast with John artificial pneumatic bicycle wheels. Harvey then provide capital to John to market that invention. Later John along with William Dunlop Rubber Company building, which attracted the attention of tire companies in the world.

Findings brilliant John is regarded as a breakthrough progress on the development of rubber tires in the 18th. John just patented his invention on December 7, 1888 in the United Kingdom UK. Although it has been patenting, finding John to be invalid after it was first tire design was created by Robert William Thomson. RW Thomson discovered and patented the pneumatic tire in 1845. However, with the invention of modern tires, John is more recognized than the findings of RW Thomson.

Tires Dunlop tire design was first advertised in 1889 in The Irish Cyclist. Two years later, John Boyd Dunlop Tyres Dunlop founded the first factory in Dublin, Ireland. One year later John manufacture tires in bulk in Belfast. 1891 Factory built Fort Dunlop in Birmingham, England that is now the headquarters of Dunlop. Dunlop growth from pioneer to successful multinational corporation quickly.

Once introduced in 1888, Dunlop pneumatic tires became standard equipment for the bike because it is very good for use on rough roads. In the same year, Dunlop tires for the first time used in cars manufactured by Karl Benz.

Dunlop is now the world's leading tire brands with a variety of products that have been scraped millions of palms on the highway around the world. In the decade of the '80s, Dunlop managed to dominate the market in Germany, Britain, France and the U.S.. That was the beginning of the rapid development of Dunlop, particularly in the areas of technology development, production capacity, and marketing with global networks worldwide.

John Boyd Dunlop died October 23, 1921, due to illness. He managed to create a practical tire products that are beneficial to the automotive world.


It all started with the first wind-pressure tire development in the world by John Boyd Dunlop, a veterinarian, in Belfest Ireland in 1888. Tires are made for tire tricycle children.

In 1990 began the first tire production in Japan. From this point of history as a pioneer mebukukan Dunlop tire developments in the world, until today. This great invention that characterizes the history of the world's first tire and the first in Japan.

1888 JB Dunlop find tires with tubes / in. This means the air-pressure tires had been born first in the world.

1905 Dunlop developed the first automobile tires with grooved tread pattern.

1909 Establishment of Branch Office in Japan's Dunlop Company. Simultaneously the formation of a factory in Kobe.

1913 Dunlop tire production launch Japan's first modern tech.

1924 Bentley using Dunlop tires become the first winner in the race 24 hours endurance race at Le Mans.

1927 specifically to use traditional car tire Dunlop managed to record a new record speed of 326.6 km / h at Daytona Beach American.

1931 Team using Dunlop tires managed to win 8 times in a row at Le Mans.

1939 Le Mans was stopped in the middle of season since the second world war. Champion that year was 157 C Bugatthi using Dunlop tires.

1947 Cars that use Dunlop tires set a new record speed of 634 km / hour in the state of Utah, USA

1949 Le Mans reopened after the end of the second world war. Cars that use Dunlop tires won first prize in the Road Race Championships GP500 class.

1953 Dunlop producing Japan's first tubeless tire.

1956 Dunlop follow F1 Grand Prix.

1960 Dunlop found the first technology that explain the phenomenon hydroplanning.

1966 Dunlop radial tires began selling textiles production in the country.

1967 Dunlop develop radial snow tires (Snow Tyre), first in Japan.

1972 Dunlop develop tires that can still be used with 80km/jam speed as far as 160km, although experienced mild leakage.

1979 First time in the world, Dunlop produce radial tires for motor sport in bulk.

1983 To enhance technological innovation motorcycle tires, Dunlop introduced the characteristics of the tire testing machine of the first type of Flat Belt in Japan.

1986 Dunlop launched radial tires for motorcycles in mass production simultaneously in Japan, the United States and Europe.

1991 Mazda 878B using Dunlop tires become the first Japanese car to win the Le mans.

Dunlop 1998 Digital Rolling Simulation Technology develops and start selling tires Digi-Tyre.

2006 Dunlop tires start selling environmentally friendly (eco-tire), the latest generation of natural raw materials with non-oil 97%.

Nissan GT-R by using Dunlop tires managed to record the speed record for the category of mass-produced car on the circuit Nurburgring, Germany.

In the Moto GP 250, Dunlop motorcycle tires managed to win as much as 200 times in a row.

Cheese History 2C_formaggi% 2CTaccuino_Sanitatis% 2C_Casanatense_4182..jpg/220px-9-alimenti% 2C_formaggi% 2CTaccuino_Sanitatis% 2C_Casanatense_4182 .. jpg
Cheese, Tacuinum sanitatis Casanatensis (14th century).


Cheese is an ancient food that has been produced since prehistoric times although there was no evidence of exactly when the first cheese making dilakukan.Masyarakat prehistoric times began to leave the nomadic lifestyle and move into raising goats, sheep and sapi.Dengan raising, the community began to recognize the milk and kegunaannya.Persediaan milk was so improved that people begin to store it in earthen vessels kayu.Karena hygiene or less, exposed to direct sunlight or exposed to heat from the fire then the milk in a vessel into the acid and the milk was tested kental.Setelah still edible . It was the first time that humans find cheese sour cream (sour cream cheese).

Sweet cream cheese (sweet cream cheese) is also found in kebetulan.Ada two legends that tell how people find out the type of cheese ini.Yang first told that there are some hunters who killed a child sapi.Mereka open cow's stomach and find something that turns white have a sense that enak.Karena of an enzyme called rennet in the stomach of a cow, the milk becomes thick so that it becomes what we call the cheese today.

Another story says that the cheese was first discovered in the Middle East by a traveler from Arab. Traveler was traveling in the desert with kudanya.Ia bring milk in the saddle to relieve thirst. After a while, he stopped to drink the milk that dibawanya.Ternyata, the milk has turned into a pale of water and white clots. This is due to the saddle that is used to store the milk is made from the stomachs of animals (cattle, goats or sheep) that contain rennet.Kombinasi of rennet, the hot weather and shocks when riding a horse has changed the milk into keju.Setelah wanderer of that, people people start using enzymes from the stomachs of animals to make cheese.

Indonesian President Salaries Latest 2011 World Leader Payroll Year 2011

Have you ever thought about how the salary of a president of this republic? Maybe yes maybe not, because regardless of the amount of income the salary of a president of this country yet we as people splashed ga he .. he ..

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) by jokingly complained that his salary was never increased during the last 7 years. How much salary the leader of another country in this world than SBY salary?

Presidential Salaries for 7 years is Rp 62,497,800 per month or USD 749 973 600 per year or U.S. $ 82.3 thousand per year. While the salary of other world leaders may glance at the Financial Times published on March 28, 2009.

The leader of the country with the highest salaries in the world is the President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama with a salary of U.S. $ 400 thousand per year or approximately USD 3.6 billion per year. Means, Obama's salary is about 5 times the average wage of SBY.

What about Europe? Is the Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen who holds the highest rank. Cowen year salary is EUR 257 thousand or U.S. $ 346.5 thousand, or approximately USD 3.1 billion.

In fact, this Cowen has received salary cuts of 10 percent as it is considered out of bounds. Cowen's predecessor, Bertie Ahern in October 2007 a salary of EUR 310 thousand or U.S. $ 417.9 thousand, approximately USD 3.8 billion per year.

While in South American countries there is no data exactly who gets the highest salary. Financial Times noted is the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales. Morales is an eccentric and nationalist own salary cut 57 percent in January 2006.

Morales previously Salaries U.S. $ 3,289.4 to U.S. $ 1.875 per month, equivalent to Rp 29.9 million. Means that Morales received U.S. $ 39.4 thousand or USD 359.2 million per year. Morales salary this means half of the SBY-per-year salary.

So is the country directly adjacent to the United States (U.S.), Mexico. Mexican President Felipe Calderon cut his own salary when elected in 2006. Calderon cut his salary 10 percent from its predecessor.

Search from the Washington Post in 2006, Calderon's predecessor, Vicente Fox received a salary of U.S. $ 245 thousand or USD 2.2 billion per year. Salary Mexican President signed ranks highest-paid state leaders in the world. If you cut 10 percent, then the salary Calderon is approximately U.S. $ 220 thousand or USD 2 billion per year.

Here's a list of state leaders salary per year presidential salary list compiled from 2011, the Financial Times, Washington Post and the BBC:

1. President Barack Obama $ 400 thousand or approximately USD 3.6 billion.
2. Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen to U.S. $ 346.5 thousand, or approximately USD 3.1 billion.
3. French President Nicolas Sarcozy U.S. $ 323 thousand or approximately USD 2.9 billion.
4. Angle German Chancellor Merkel's U.S. $ 307 thousand or approximately USD 2.8 billion.
5. Prime Minister Gordon Brown U.S. $ 268 thousand or approximately USD 2.4 billion.
6. Mexican President Felipe Calderon U.S. $ 220 thousand or approximately USD 2 billion.
7. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, U.S. $ 90 thousand, or approximately USD 822 million.
8. President of the Republic of Indonesia SBY U.S. $ 82.3 thousand, or approximately USD 749 million.
9. Bolivian President Evo Morales to U.S. $ 39.4 thousand or USD 359.2 million.

SKL UN Graduation Exam Standards National High School 2011

Graduation Standards SKL UN National Examination junior and senior high school in 2011 - National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) together with the Ministry of National Education and the Commission X decided, in 2011 remain the National Examination (UN).

Implementation was planned in April and May 2011, a month compared to last year's retreat held from March to April. Medium standard of value in this year's planned UN is still the same as last year, namely 5.5 for the junior / senior high school.

This was conveyed by the Chairman BSNP Djemari Mardapi, Deputy Minister of National Education (Wamendiknas) Fasli Jalal and Vice Chairman of House Commission X Rully Chairil Anwar in National Exam Workshop (UN) at the Hotel Niko in Jakarta, Friday (15/10) evening.

Recognized Chairman BSNP Djemari Mardapi, the implementation of UN last year there is a shortage. Therefore, next year there strived
improvements. As of the graduation criteria for schools that have reached the national standard of education or independent category is determined by BSNP. "As for who do not meet the standards set by each province," he explained.
For senior high school level / MA / SMK implementation will be delegated to the college organized with the assistance of government education departments and the Institute of Education Quality Assurance (LPMP). As for the level of SMP and MTs conducted by the provincial education office and the city.
Regarding the UN fraud last year, namely on the UN to do the printing material by companies that meet the criteria and should be done in rayon such as rayon Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and East Indonesia. "Printing of UN SMA, MA and SMK made public university," he said.
It also would negate the independent monitoring team to monitor the implementation of the UN for SMP and MTs and will be submitted to the Department of Education and district.
Medium Wamendiknas Fasli Jalal assert, the UN must be implemented at all education units because of the mandate of Regulation No 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards. Regarding the budget will be further discussed with the commission X House of Representatives.
On the same occasion, Vice Chairman of House Commission X Rully Chairil

Weird Unique Real: Leaves Baby Home Sumenep Ear Shaped God Lafadz

Weird Unique Real: Leaves Baby Home Sumenep Shaped Ear Lafadz God - The World is full of uniqueness! All happens because Allah wills it. Ear of a baby boy, Ahmad Anwar Kusuma (28 days) pertained magic. Ear leaf-shaped indentation arabic berlafadz God.

Unique Photo Images Weird Ear Leaves Baby Home Sumenep Lafadz Shaped God

Weird Unique Real Ear Leaves Baby Home Sumenep God Shaped Lafadz

Babies born to normal in the hands of traditional birth attendants, the first did not know if I have a miracle in his ear.

Babies born on Thursday (12/25/2010) was the first child of married couples (Couples), Maimunatun (38) and Zainal Abidin (43) Batuguluk Hamlet Village residents Basoka Rubaru, Sumenep, Madura.

On Sunday (01/16/2011), uncle of the baby, Ali Hisham realized if the curve of her niece is not the same ear to ear baby in general.

Over in the womb, no signs of weirdness and wonder. However, the father of the baby was only ever dreamed of flying with a baby sijabang.

While the mother, avid reader of the Qur'an in particular the letter of Joseph, Yasin, Waqi'ah and Letters of Mary. Another habit, the mothers often consume water of zam-zam result of her neighbors who came from Mecca.

"There is no inkling anything, mas!. I just diligently read the Koran and drinking zam-zam water," said the baby's mother, Maimunatun told reporters at his home, Batuguluk Hamlet, Village Basoka, Rubaru, Sumenep, Friday (21 / 1 / 2011) afternoon.

Babies who have not touched medical personnel (midwives), looks healthy and plump. His parents the status of farm workers do not yet know how much weight and length of infants. "Not to be fed anything. Enough breast milk alone," he said.

Now the existence of these infants, a spectacle and debate local residents. While the extended family regard the gift of God.

Justin Bieber JB Concert In Indonesia 2011 Ticket Price List (The Online Ticket Sales) Concert Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber's new Idol will reportedly hold a concert in Indonesia. Surely a good news for fans of Justin Bieber.

Jakarta - Good news for the fans coming singer Justin Bieber. Chanter 'Baby' that will hold a concert at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC) on April 23, 2011.

Certainty has been delivered the news of Universal Music Indonesia to detikhot, Friday (21/01/2011). Party promoter Marygops Studios has also announced the news via his Twitter account.

"Confirmed! Justin Bieber My World Tour. 23April 2011 in Sentul Int'l Convention Center! Follow @ marygopsstudios RT yes!" write promoter.

Open ticket sales begin Saturday (01/22/2011) tomorrow in the parking lot EX Plaza, Central Jakarta. In addition, the promoter also provides an online ticket sales system starting Monday (24/01/2011).

Festival ticket price sold $ 1 million, Tribune E Rp 750 thousand, Tribune II USD 500 thousand. If you want to buy tickets in person or online, do not forget to bring along identity cards.

Gaius Only Accept Punishment 7 Year Prison - The threat of punishment for Life Gaius Related Tambunan New Criminal Cases

Gaius Only Accept Punishment 7 Year Prison - The threat of punishment for Life Gaius Tambunan Related Criminal Case New - 7-year prison sentence was not enough for the mafia tax. Police are now investigating Gaius Tambunan for new criminal cases.

Article for Gaius was already set, Gaius who was once a tax official allegedly accepting gifts from a number of private parties.

"Article 11 of the Act or 12 B of Law 31/1999 jo UU 20/2001," said Police Headquarters Senior Commissioner Pol Kabagpenum Joey Boy Amar at Police Headquarters, Jl, Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Friday (21/01/2011).

Article 11 of the Act reads, civil servants or state officials who receive gifts or promises yet known or reasonably suspected, that the gift or promise is given because the power or authority.

And the content of article 12 B, each of the gratification to civil servants or state officials considered bribery, if it relates to his position and that contrary to obligations or duties.

In addition to articles, Boy also asserted, that Gaius was also charged with money laundering. "And article 3 of the Act on Money Laundering," he explained.

The threat of punishment for Gaius to the criminal provisions for life or for a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years, and fined at least 200 million and a maximum of Rp 1 billion.

Gaius has been sentenced to 7 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp 300 million for alleged tax fraud case PT SAT. Gaius allegedly cost the state USD 570 million.

Complete Results 2011 Congress PSSI Bali Complete List Newest 23 Club PSSI PSSI Second Congress Results 2011 Year 2011

Congress II PSSI held at Pan Pacific Hotel, Nirwana Bali Resort, Tanah Lot, Bali finished at 16.00 pm, on Saturday, January 22, 2011.

Some important things have been decided. Among endorsement PSSI General Chairman report, including the budget. Congress also agreed to dismiss five clubs.
Of the five clubs, two of whom are Indonesian Super League team, Malang and Persibo Persema Bojonegoro. Both were fired for choosing to join the Premier League Indonesia (LPI).
Three other teams are Persma Manado, Gaspa Square Palopo and Gianyar. Third club suffered the same fate after receiving punishment from the World Football Federation (FIFA).
List of clubs who were fired would increase again after PSM Makassar also choose appear in the LPI. Today, Saturday, January 22, 2011, PSM choose to deal with Persema Malang.
"This decision has been taken with the mechanisms and statutes that apply in PSSI and FIFA," Nurdin said in a press conference.
Through Congress II, PSSI also decided to hold an Extraordinary Congress (KLB) PSSI, on March 19, 2011. KLB is planned to be held in Bintan, Riau Islands.
In addition, the congress this time, the clubs in attendance also had explained his desire to escape from the budget in 2011.
A total of 23 new members officially became a member of PSSI tesebut after it was decided members of Congress II PSSI in Tabanan, Bali, Saturday (22/01/2011).
The clubs came from 13 provinces of management, namely Aceh, West Sumetara, Jambi, South Sumatera, Bangka Belitung, Banten, West Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
"The three that came out, but many clubs that membeludak in," said PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid during a press conference at the congress of the Pan Pacific Hotel Nirwana Bali, Saturday (01/22/2011).
Here are the potential candidate of PSSI: FC Lhokseumawe, Pidie Jaya, PS Solsel, Veil FC, PSSL, Porkab Koba, Cilegon Mandiri, Sultan Muda FC, West Bandung FC, FC Blaster, Petro Jabrix FC, Maung Bandung FC, Bina Putra FC, PS Tunas Yogya, Putra Gresik, Barabai FC, Persikat Katingan, Persibilmut, Persikokot, Nusaina FC, Persindung, Persidei, Persiyali.

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Footwear, other than to protect the feet but also can enhance your appearance, especially for a woman. Actually to find the shoe on the market very easily, just come to the shoe store, see see .. select a suitable and pay deh ....

Shoes of course many models, and for women who always keep up appearances of course will choose a trendy shoe to add to the appearance. Whatever shoes at home wearing comfortable in wearing and of course can look stylish ....

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Latest Trend Glasses Glasses 2011 Collection Model Design Unique Appearance More Latest Cool Trendy Style

Latest Trend Glasses Glasses 2011 Collection Model Design Unique Appearance More Cool Trendy New Style - Glasses are fixtures or accessories to add more interesting appearance. Know your sunglasses model that you want to appear more stylish and cool.

Latest Trend Model 2011 Glasses Cool Guy Girls Unique Trendy Style
Bottega Veneta (Photo: Doc. Optical Melawai)

Clothing has fulfilled the closet, shoes are ready complete, the bag was no less following the trend. Is there anything left over from the perfection of your appearance? The answer, glasses.

For spring / summer are attached to the fun, this time a collection optic Melawai give flavor and bold new look for you. Sunglass Collection Spring / Summer 2011 Eyewear Collection can be found in Optical Melawai with more than 220 branches throughout Indonesia.

Bottega Veneta

Fresh design with unique details and unexpected owned Bottega Veneta glasses collection. Butterfly effect it has great proportions and curved lines. With the texture of a butterfly-shaped silver-colored signature Bottega Veneta ultrafeminin-show development. Glasses made of acetate material and look very glamorous. Bottega Veneta is available in shades of gray interesting.


Gucci sunglasses are the characteristic features of optical and sunglass frames elegantly shaped. Inspired style sunglasses 1970-1980 era in which the silhouette of differentiated lens shape box, rectangular, or round. Design of butterfly-shaped frame and details are made of optyl. Insert bamboo in the center helped beautify the collections are available in colors, like blue chocolate, black powder, and is glossy black.

Alexander McQueen

Avant garde collection of sunglasses by Alexander McQueen has a dynamic character. Butterfly-shaped frames decorated with textured hair colors multiorganik acetate is made of three layers. Color pallet collections, such as the stylish blue / lime, red / beige, brown / cream / black, and white / blue.


As elegant Dior sunglasses are made using acetate material. The beauty of the design plus detailed gold stripes decorate the side of the frame. Collection is available in brown color and transparent violet light, making the glasses look very seductive and feminine. Details were added sunglass great accent ribbons, crystals, and the Dior logo makes it look very attractive. Collections are available in purple.

Marc by Marc Jacobs

Collection comes with an innovative shape and detail motive icons, brand, line texture, multicolored, small screws, and tape, in which all clearly visible. Latest sunglass Marc by Marc Jacobs is very modern and attractive attention.

Rudy Project

Maya is the newest kolesi Rudy Project uses sport flip-up technology. By utilizing a removable nylon rx, Prescription lenses you can put comfortably into the frame while protecting the lens size with lens Photochromic Plano. This is her glasses with all the features you would expect from a premium Italian sport sunglass. Collections are available in white / gray and gray / black ash.

Marc Jacobs

Collection comes with a very fine vintage shape and color of elegance and chic. Sunglass "must-have" This latest model has a unique texture and interesting silhouette with beautiful colors. (

Suzuki MR Wagon New 2011 Model Susuki Car Prices New Variant MR Wagon

Suzuki MR Wagon New 2011 Model Susuki Car Prices New Variant MR Wagon - Japan car company Suzuki is ready to launch a new variant, the MR Wagon, which was launched Suzuki, Thursday, January 20.

Car Photos Pictures Suzuki MR Wagon New 2011 Model

Latest 2011 Suzuki Cars Suzuki MR Wagon Latest


Innovation is terinpirasi pendahaulunya namely Suzuki Karimun Estillo. This time with the MR Wagon Suzuki has redesigned its a fresh look and still not ruled on the city car class.

Suzuki has announced the arrival of a new car in automotive market by using the engine capacity of 660cc, three cylinders and the engine is adjusted by using a CVT.

In Japan, Suzuki offers a three-cylinder engine in the sense of 0.7-liter naturally aspirated and turbocharged, producing 54HP and 64HP, while buyers can also choose between front-drive configuration and all-wheel.

MR Wagon in the development of new measuring only 3395 mm, width 1475 and 1625 high. With a wheelbase 65mm longer than its predecessor at 2.425mm.

Suzuki MR Wagon promised would offer an increase in the capacity of its space, comfort and stability improved slightly while speeding down the streets of the capital.

On the MR Wagon Interior installing stereo audio system with touch screen on the top of the center console and system availability ESP with Hill Hold Control.

Car-shaped boxes are to be booked in Japan with prices ranging from 1,131,900 yen or 120 million Rupiah.

Latest Sport 2011 Honda Motor Specifications Price VFR1200F Sports Tourer Honda Technology in Year 2011 Automated Business Solutions

Latest Sport 2011 Honda Motor Specifications Price VFR1200F Sports Tourer Honda Technology in Year 2011 Solutions Automatic - Honda VFR1200F which was launched in 2010 has received good response, proved that Honda VFR1200F received an award from a media that is MCN.

Picture Images Newest Motor Sport Honda 2011 Honda Sports Tourer VFR1200F in Year 2011

Honda 2011 Honda Sport Latest VFR1200F Sports Tourer in Year 2011
(Photo: otocontes.blogspot)

Reporting from autoevolution, Thursday (01/20/2011), Honda VFR1200F which was launched in 2010 to 10 motors selling very well in sales.

MCN untik award category 'Sports Tourer', not only in appearance only seen the jurors MCN however, in terms of Dual Clutch Transmission technology on the FD version, Honda VFR1200F obtain a fairly good assessment.

According to one jury MCN, "Concept VFR1200F give the appearance of a very new to motorcycle enthusiasts."

"In addition the push button Dual Clutch Transmission in passing gear is changing at the time of driving, and very different from those of other motorcycles," added one of the judges MCN.

VFR1200F Honda has two models of standard and automatic, operating on standard VFR1200F tantamount to using the gearbox set-up is operated using foot and hand. While automatic VFR1200F is more relaxed but still sporty and operated through a trigger-shif on the handlebar.

Honda VFR1200F is the first large-capacity motor that uses automated technology.

"Honda always provide benefits to users and pelangga that Honda always get good sales numbers, other than that Honda is always pushing to make the latest models and technology is always improving." Said Steve Martindale, General Manager of Honda Motorcycles (UK).

In 2011, Honda added a new color variants, such as Darkness Black Metallic with Digital Silver Metallic, which earlier in 2010 has a color choice Prominence Candy Red, Metallic Silver Seal, and Pearl Sunbeam White.

Currently, Honda VFR1200F with standard machine costing £ 12,325 OTR or Rp.178.400.000, - and VFR1200FD with automatic machine costing £ 13,425 OTR or in 195 million.

Sensual scenes Dewi Persik (Photo Section) Depe Sensual Show Before The Kids On Stage

a stage performance artist Dewi Persik or Depe really not worth the examples by other artists who like to look sensual on stage.

Dewi Persik Hot Scenes On Stage, Image Toples sensual Depe

Goddess Perssik when appearing in front of an audience in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.

This is the portrait of some of our current artists on stage. With sensual appearance wore a transparent, hollow body in the showcase .. even in the presence of children. Perhaps in view of children at Dewi Persik appear on stage this time rather sensual appearance, they (anak2) only see the outline of the famous artist named Dewi Persik was entertaining the audience.

But with clothing which is too "Mecotot" cleavage visible, Dewi Persik casually singing with elegance dress showing her body in front of children. (Find the money still looking for money Depe in front of you .... see it ... you let the body seksimu in front of an audience of children ...)

Although warned not to perform open-not by one religious organization, not Goddess Perssik loosen pendangdut step to perform a scene entertain fans. Even ex-wife pendangdut Saipul Jamil and Aldi Taher soap star did not notice anymore who's in front of it, including under-age audience.

When filling events Star Fleet Care Shinta International Restaurant in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, on Friday (12/17/2010), the DP did not even hesitate to undress in front of the children and no doubt also show movement "rocking the saw" that characterize was his trademark.

DP, which appeared that night dressed all in black and had even requested permission from the invitation to remove the jacket he wore. Feeling the wind gets, the DP was immediately let go clothes he wore.

Well, that's when the DP was allowed cleavage clearly visible. He was wearing only a black bra covered with transparent tanktop who is also black.

Crazy, the audience who witnessed not only the adults. Not a few of the minor wobble also enjoy DP and even record these sensual scenes.