Tuesday, January 25, 2011

History Srimulat in Indonesia



Srimulat is a comedy group founded by Teguh Indonesia Slamet Rahardjo in Solo in 1950. The name "Srimulat" is taken from the name of his wife at the time. In its development, Srimulat group later founded branches in Surabaya, Semarang, and Jakarta. Srimulat including comedy group long enough to survive even in the midst of his career going to face problems and dismantle many pairs of players. Justu that's what makes them more mature. If previously only performing in the show buildings, after the emergence of private television, each of its members suddenly become celebrities. This group is the only comedy group that has members at most.


This group first established by Srimulat and Teguh Raharjo with names Gema Srimulat Night. At first echo Nights Srimulat are arts groups that perform around the stage from one city to another from East Java to Central Java. Singing and dance troupe, starting with their first joke on August 30, 1951 featuring figures such as slapstick Mataram Wadino (Bandempo), Ranudikromo, Sarpin, Djuki, and Suparni. The combination of musical performances and comedy then becomes a typical formula for echo Nights Srimulat. The presence of Mataram slapstick style recipe lawakannya a powerful way to attract fans. Buffoonery and singing a unity that can not be separated anymore. With strong echoes of that night Srimulat then performing from a night market to market other night, in various cities in Java. From one crowd to another crowd. Era in 1960, when his health began to fail Srimulat, Teguh who found Yana-child singer who replaced Srimulat role as a stage star Gema Srimulat night-spawned the idea to appear on stage is settled. So, Friday May 19, 1961 became a historic day for Gema Night Srimulat the first leg stuck in Surabaya, precisely in THR Surabaya. Night Echoes Name Last modified Srimulat any more "commercial" be Srimulat Review. Began the journey of a community music-comedy groups who may inadvertently become a phenomenon and process, into a new subculture. WHEN many performances laden with messages and social criticism, the group Srimulat free ourselves from these patrons. Srimulat present to entertain. This group is really a manifestation of a subculture of Java.


The characters ever and still a member Srimulat include:

* Abhishek Srimulat
* Asmuni
* Bambang Gentolet
* Bandempo
* Basuki
* Bendot
* Betet
* Blontang
* Educate Mangkuprojo
* Djudjuk Djuariah
* Djuki
* Eko Londo / Eco-Taulan companion
* Eko Srimulat
* George Sapulete
* Gepeng
* Gogon
* Isye
* Kadir
* Karjo AC-DC
* Kisbandiyah
* Leysus
* Mamiek Prakoso
* Miarsih
* Nunuk Murdono
* Nunung
* Nurbuat
* Paimo
* Paul
* Pete
* Polo
* Ranudikromo
* Rohana
* Sarpin
* Fertile
* Suroto Suroboyo
* Susie Sunaryo
* Sofiah
* Tarzan
* True Srimulat
* Tessy
* Incurred Suhardi
* Hurricane
* Triman
* Tukul
* Samekta Hadi
* Vera
* Suparni

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